Friday, June 30, 2017


So... I went to sleep at midnight but from what I am understanding, it was quite the mess of a night. So I'm gonna attempt to catch up, but just so you know, I have no interest in blogging nastiness.

12:12 am Cam 1/2: Mark complimenting Elena.
12:15 am Cam 3/4: Jason apparently sees Christmas' nipslip.
12:53 am Cam 3/4: Cody and Jessica in the HOH bed. Apparently Cody cried. Didn't see that coming
12:58 am Cam 3/4: Raven and Matt flirting.
1:39 am Cam3/4: Mark, Elena, and Christmas.
1:48 am Cam 3/4: Sweet Marlena hug.
1:56 am Cam 3/4: Mark's highlight of the day was cuddling with Elena.
2:20 am Cam 3/4: Mark and Elena cuddling
2:48 am Cam 3/4: This foursome thing is creepy. There I said it.
3:25 am Cam 1/2: Matt and Raven in the same bed, Christmas and Paul in the same bed.
3:29 am Cam 3/4: If Elena is playing Mark I'm gonna be super mad.
3:35 am Cam 1/2: Elena gets into bed with Paul and Christmas......k.
9:52 am Cam 3/4: Cody Jessica smooch.
9:54 am Cam 1/2: Mark and Elena cuddling
10:20 am Cam 1/2: Matt/Paul have coined "Marlena" as the ship name.
3:27 pm: Feeds return. Alex won the POV.
3:30 pm Cam 1/2: Elena- Do I make you nervouse? Mark- Yes.
3:32 pm Cam 1/2: Trouble in paradise already? Jessica is pissed that Cody "threw in the towel" at the last minute. Thinks he doesn't want to be the one to send Alex home.
4:35 pm Cam 1/2: Cody and Jessica alone in HOH.
5:10 pm ish All cams: Cody talking to Mark about Jessica, Jessica talking to Dom about Cody. Definitely trouble already.

5:45 pm Cam 1/2: Elena finding out what she's got to work with😂

5:54 pm Cam 1/2: Mark- There are kisses in the horizon
6:06 pm Cam 1/2: I'm sensing a trend with Elena trying to turn him on haha
7:28 pm Cam 3/4: Cute Marlena hug
9:42 pm Cam 1/2: Matt/Raven
9:42 pm Cam 3/4: Jessica/Cody
10:03 pm Cam 1/2: Jessica and Ramses singing "Kiss the Girl" to Marlena.
10:10 pm Cam 1/2: Marlena on the couch

Thursday, June 29, 2017

BB19 Kick off! 6/29

10:01 pm Cam 1/2: Feeds come on, Cody and Jessica cuddled up as well as Raven and Matt!
10:03 pm Cam 1/2: Jessica kissing Cody's chest.
10:09 pm Cam 1/2: Jessica and Cody extremely comfy. I kinda feel like Jessica may be playing it up for the cameras though.
10:13 pm Cam 1/2: Mark and Dominique?
10:18pm Cam 1: More Cody and Jessica. Piggy back ride and she kisses his neck.
10:21 pm Cam 1/2: Paul talking to the cams.
10:25 pm Cam 3/4: Paul and Raven kinda flirty
10:27 pm Cam 1/2: Cody and Jessica sharing popcorn via mouth.
10:30 pm ish Cam 3/4: Mark talking about Elena
10:34 pm Cam 1/2: Raven and Christmas talking about Megan self-evicting
10:45 pm Cam 3/4: Dom goes into HOH and Jessica and Cody are cuddled up on the couch.
10:57 pm Cam 1/2: First Mark and Elena interaction.
10:59 pm Cam 1/2: Raven sitting on Paul's lap
11:10 pm Cam 3/4: Talking about kissing.
11:15 pm Cam 3/4: Cody & Jessica holding hands
11:23 pm Cam 3/4: Cody, Jessica and Mark, Elena.
11:25 pm Cam 3/4: Paul and Christmas????
11:37 pm Cam 3/4: More Raven/Matt.
11:50 pm Cam 3/4: Poor Mark just trying to get a compliment. Hahha he's so cute

Crap guys, assuming things don't drastically change I think Mark and Elena might be my ship. lol


10:45 pm Cam 1/2: Mark- Damn girl, you clean up nice.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Showmance Names

It's still early but from what we've seen, there's a few possibilities!

Matt & Christmas: Mattmas? ChrisMatt? Xmatt?

Matt & Raven: Maven? Ratt?

Cody & Jessica: Codica? Jody?

Josh & Jessica: hahah..... Joshica? Jica?

Paul & Raven: Paven? RaPaul?

Mark & Elena: Marlena? Elemark?

Mark & Jessica: Marica? (Pretty proud of that.) Jark?

Any others that you guys have come up with??

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Jeff Interviews Reactions

Christmas, 33  Raleigh, NC: I really like Christmas. But I'm definitely worried that they're going to look at her and see a big fat target. If her dog dies while she's away, I'm going to be devastated for her. Geez Jeff don't put that out into the universe. I originally thought her and Matthew might hit it off but this interview sort of changes my mind on it. I don't know, time will tell. I just hope she's a comp beast. Girl power!

Jillian, 24  Las Vegas, NV: I get the feeling from her that she's going to have a crush on every guy but she won't have the confidence to do anything about it. And fool dissed my girl Nicole so it's not looking good for her. It doesn't help that it's so boring listening to her talk.

Dominique, 30  Washington, DC: So right off the bat, she's an engineer which is pretty impressive. That's where my good impressions end unfortunately. She seems very high on herself. Confidence is one thing, but being too good for anyone else is another.

Ramses, 21 Michigan: Obviously a fan of the show. I don't like to use the term superfan until we see whether or not they really know their stuff. Will probably pull an Ian and try to hide under the cupboards and stuff. I think he'll probably butt heads with either Josh or Cody. Says he'd rather win and be hated but I have a feeling he's going to be one begging America for things.

Jason, Iowa: I have a feeling he's gonna end up being my fave. I'm a small town girl and there's a big rodeo here every year. And we love the clowns. Crap. Huge mark against him not ever seeing the show before. But, the summer is a busy rodeo time so I give him a slight pass. His strategy is to vote all the guys and the girls off. HAHAHAHA. I wish he was able to at least watch one season to get an idea. I think he'll be friendly enough to stick around for a couple weeks but I just don't know if he'll have enough strategy to make it to the end. I can't wait to see him do some comps though. People laugh about him being a rodeo clown but have you ever played Ole with a bull?

Matthew, 33 Arlington, VA: He's a fantasy football guy. Love. I have a feeling he's going to do well because I've yet to find a bad thing about him. He's just a very likable guy. #SilverFox

Raven, Arkansas: She's a fan of the show, has tried out before. She says she's going to try to quiet down her personality but I don't see that happening. Will be besties forever and ever with Ramses. Will probably hate Cody. Kind of reminds me of Sarah from BBCan, so you never know.

Elena, Dallas, TX: This is a tough one for me. I feel like it could go either way with her. She seems real. She doesn't put on a false sense of "I love everyone and we're all gonna get along great!" but if she takes that side of it too far, she might not get along with anyone. Although, from what I've seen of Cody, maybe these two would be a match......

Mark, 26 Buffalo, NY: Hubba hubba. I didn't realize he had lost so much weight. That actually leads me to wonder if him and Jillian will have something to bond over. He's so adorable! If he goes home early, we riot.

Kevin, 55 Boston, MA: Love that he's a typical father and started off by talking about his kids. He speaks a lot of nonsense though. Either he'll go out early or no one will touch him because they can't figure out what the heck he's talking about.

Alex, 28 California: Ew. Team America? Girl. I was afraid Jessica was going to give Natalie vibes but Alex definitely does. This girl is awful. She puts on the act that she's a superfan and doesn't know who Jeff is? She's already invited herself to come back. Bye.

Megan, 28: Um. I stopped listening and can't remember anything she said. Doesn't bode well.

Josh, 23 Miami, FL: My initial assessment of him stands. He'll be out early. He just said "positive vibes." Fool has no idea what a hashtag is. Also invited himself for all-stars. K.

Cameron, 24 Woodridge, IL: Super smart guy. Possible superfan. Seems to really know his stuff. Definitely not as socially awkward as Ian and Steve were. That will help him out majorly. He literally said that after I typed it. Promise. Oh man. This interview has won him over for me. He's funny! #BBNerdHeard for the win!

Cody, Dallas, TX: Tough guy exterior. Hmm. Wants a strong female to be his ride or die. Obviously doesn't care if no one likes him. If nothing else.... #TeamFunFeeds

Jessica, Los Angeles, CA: VIP concierge. Uh huh. I'm impressed she's a fan of the show. I definitely thought she was a recruit. She says she wants to be the life of the party but I don't get the vibe from her. She's one that could go either way. Crap. She actually had me until she shouted out "America's Favorite Player."

I will say, it's funny how some of my opinions changed based on different interviews. Can't wait for live feeds!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ika's Interview Reactions

So I've been out of town and I'm catching up on all the pre-season interviews. Of course the Ika interviews are the best, so I'm going to be posting my reactions here!

Mark.... Oh hello. His cast photo does NOT do him justice. He's a cutie pie. Flirting with Ika right in front of Dem though....... hahahahah

Jessica.... I'm trying not to compare her to Natalie but come on. Oh she has a short fuse, but she's not gonna let that happen in the house. Sure Jan. Ika telling her to be the mean girl hahah

Elena... Her beauty mark looks like a bug. But she does rock the petty eyebrows. Dallas girl. Might be entertaining feeds, but I'm not holding my breath.

Ramses..... Erkle. Will probably be the cryer.

Jason... I really really really want to like him, but seems like he might be a terrible BB player. Jury's still out.

Raven.... I definitely have a feeling she's gonna end up being too much for me to handle. Terrible giggle.

Christmas... First impression good. I like her. Fear in the back of my mind that she'll end up being annoying. Crossing my fingers she's not.

Jillian..... Paint drying on the wall is more entertaining. And then she goes and says she wants to be like Christine. Done. Cancelled.

Dominique..... Probably the first in a showmance. Confession? She's seems "holier than thou" even though she outright said she wasn't.

Matthew...... Don't let me down. I'm a sucker for a silver fox.

Alex.... Self described guy's girl and gamer. Honestly? She'll probably be the girl that the rest of the girls don't like.

Josh.... Definitely the first one out.

Megan.... Terrible laugh. Probably the new "woman-hater"

Cody.... Ika giving him crap was the best part of any of the interviews. She says what everyone is thinking with a smile so she can get away with it. Will probably puff his chest at Josh and either be kicked out or at least held in the diary room for awhile.

Cameron..... Awkward. On the block next to Josh week 1.

Kevin.....Will be annoyed by everyone by week 2. They will feel awkward around him, except for one person. Maybe Raven.

Potential showmances? I would love to see Matthew and Christmas. Mark is sooooo cute but I currently don't like any of the other girls enough to match him up. It will be interesting to see what changes when the feeds come on!

Thanks for reading! Gonna be a fun summer!


So........ I blogged for Nicorey during BB18. It was never something that I had planned, it just sort of fell into my lap. And while it was kind of a crazy ride, it ended up being a lot of fun. As I write this post, it is 4 days before the premier of BB19. I obviously don't yet know if there will be a ship in the future for me, but I'd like to blog for a while anyway. It will be things I find funny, interesting, crazy, etc. We'll see where the season takes us! To my past viewers... thank you thank you thank you for coming back. To anyone new who might be joining... Welcome! I try not to be too annoying. Haha!