Wednesday, August 9, 2017


1:24 am Cam 3/4: Elena- You're really focused on Noah. Mark- Would you rather me focus on you? Elena- Yes.

2:13 am Cam 1/2: Mark back to the HN room
2:40 am Cam 1/2: Chatting in the bathroom before Elena goes to DR
10:48 am All Cams: Chug, chug, chug, chug!
11:54 am All Cams: Trumpet Noise
1:54 pm Cam 3/4: Elena is wearing Mark's hoodie again.
The conversation that will either change the game or seal Mark's fate. :(

4:01 pm All Cams: Construction zone noises "Hey baby"
4:14 pm All Cams: Jackhammer noise again
8:11 pm All Cams: Feeds back
10:04 pm Cam 1/2: Mark, Elena, and Kevin in the HN room.

1 comment:

  1. 10:48 is it about M&E?

    THANK YOU for not giving up from blog... they are maybe not to most romantic showmance...and I am sure we will have more mess...but they are so different then other showmances...and I know it looks like Mark is the one with stronger feeling...I have feeling she will suprise us...thank you for blog
