Friday, July 14, 2017


12:49 am Cam 1/2: Marlena game talk. Mark is very worried.
12:54 am Cam 1/2: Telling her he's proud of her again.
Elena looks dead and Mark looks like a (not so) small child. Lol

Okay. A LOT went down game-wise over night. My friend Jess gave a pretty good rundown and I"m gonna share it here.
2:15 Paul/Alex/Elena
2:34 Elena convo with Raven/Matt
2:34 Paul throws Mark & Dom UTB & Alex mentions putting Mark up.
2:51 Elena Doesn’t trust Mark emotionally
3:02 Paul says team is done and Elena will end up jumping ship from Mark
3:04 Elena Mark & Dom convo
3:14/15 ish Mark breaks it down about Kevin being the other vote to Dom/Elena
3:27 Mark/Alex convo
3:41 Alex/Elena/Raven
3:47  Paul & Elena start talk in bathroom
3:48 Paul asks Elena if Mark & Dom seem to think Paul has anything to do with Alex’s decisions
3:50 Elena still defending Mark & Dom to Paul
3:53 Talk of team ending & jumping ship starts
4:08 Alex & Paul convo starts.. Alex lets him know she thinks Mark is sincere, Paul pushes Dom but still keeps planting seeds of distrust with Alex regarding Mark & Dom.

Okay. So. As a wrap up. And this is just my opinion, you can take it for what it's worth. Elena said some things about Mark GAME-WISE that yeah, people aren't going to like. Here's where you have to remember that there's a social element and a game element. I love Mark, but his temper is going to be his downfall. I see Elena going far in this game because she has a great Big Brother game. I also think her and Mark have a good connection and I hope that they continue to work on it. So, in other words.... when I hear Elena say she doesn't trust Mark game-wise, I don't see it as a personal thing. She's very close to Paul and Paul has done a very good job of planting seeds of distrust with Elena when it comes to Mark. The good news is, even though Mark is in a bit of hot water, he's not the target for this week at the moment. In fact, one of the people who causes the most problems for Marlena is the target!! So. Take a deep breath and relax! 😉

11:43 am Cam 3/4: Elena chatting with Paul.
12:29 pm Cam 3/4: Paul/Mark chat.
2:02 pm Cam 3/4: Jim Jams
2:11 pm Cam 3/4: Matt- "I want to protect Elena as much as possible."
                                                   *From Wednesday night on BBAD*

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