I know I previously stated that I would try to keep up with Matt/Raven updates, but it turns out that was a lie. Haha. I've been so busy this last weekend and I'm not sure that it won't be the same way every weekend. Therefore, at this time, I will be focusing on Marlena updates. As you have noticed, it's already been hit or miss with me for them. But, they are the couple that I have the most interest in and since it takes so long to try to keep up even with one couple, I don't have the time to keep up with more than one. I'm very sorry for letting some of you down.
12:41 am Cam 3/4: Paul talking about the odds of showmances working. Mark is the ultimate optimist.
12:47 am Cam 3/4: Marlena on the sky bridge.
12:49 am Cam 3/4: Did they forget there are people everywhere? haha.
2:08 am Cam 3/4: Mark talking about BB18. Hilarious re-tell of Elena's friend peeing in Corey's sink.
2:58 am Cam 3/4: Looks like Elena is going to give up and keep sleeping in Mark's bed. haha.
4:06 am Cam 3/4: Elena- "Oops."
8:50 am Cam 1/2: After wake-up music, Mark just lays on top of Elena. She laughs that she can't breathe.
1:45 pm Cam 3/4: Elena testing outfits for the live show. (As a side note, she always forgets there are cameras. But girl rocks those curves.) Mark comes in.. "Damn Elena."
9:11 pm Cam 1/2: Elena- "Oh this is our new bed!" About Paul and Christmas' bed.
Their facial expressions seriously crack me up.
10:01 pm Cam 3/4: Marlena convo in the bathroom.
10:15 pm Cam 1/2: Marlena game talk with Kevin.
10:20 pm: *Not Marlena related*... I feel so bad for Josh. He's gotten a raw deal. It's so crappy what Jess and Cody have done to this kid and I truly hope he doesn't quit.
Screengrabs from the live episode:
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